Category - Car Donation Charities

Car Donation Services Review

Car Donation Services Review

You’ve probably seen ads on the Internet and on TV that encourage you to donate your car to charity. That’s because companies that exist solely to broker the deal on behalf of the charity typically make lots and lots of money, and...

Car Donation Wizard Review

Car Donation Wizard Review

Used-car donations are common, and charities increasingly depend on them for their funding. However, most donations aren’t directly made to charities and only some charities are equipped to accept used cars and sell them.  Meanwhile, most...

Car Donation Center

Car Donation Center Review

If you have an old car to donate to a cause, but find that the charity that you like isn’t equipped to directly accept it, you can go through a car donation processing company. They are able to take your car away for free, sell it, and give...

Donation Line Review

Donation Line Review

If people don’t give more freely to charities than they do, the difficulty of the vetting process is an important reason — not only does it take time to check a charity out on the Internet to make sure that it is aboveboard, you...