Most people know how important it is to carry personal auto insurance. If you are in an accident, the insurance you hold can help you pay for much of the expenses associated with that accident. However, what you may not know is your...
Category - Car Insurance
The insurance industry is no stranger to emerging technology, and in recent years insurers have embraced data-rich customer relationship management and sophisticated fraud detection. Now, the advent of driverless cars is again bringing the...
If you live in the United States, you’ll need car insurance to drive on public roads. Most states require drivers to carry a minimum amount of liability insurance. If you cause an accident that injures another motorist or damages his or...
If you are over 55, you are considered a mature driver, and you may have noticed a small bump in your car insurance. It hardly seems fair that solid, experienced drivers should pay higher premiums than younger people, but often that is the...
Getting a driver’s license is a bit like that line Alec Guinness gave to Mark Hamill in Star Wars after his character, Luke Skywalker, had successfully used a lightsaber for the first time. He said, “You’ve taken your first step into a...
Getting your driver’s license doesn’t just mean you’re now able to drive; it comes with a lot of responsibilities as well, outside of the standard road safety you learn in driver’s education classes. You have to remember to keep up...
One of the best benefits of taking Texas adult online drivers education training is the discount you get on car insurance. However, though important, cost is not the only factor in choosing an insurance policy, especially for newer drivers...
Most New York State motorists know that you can take a New York insurance reduction course as a way to get a mandatory 10% discount on your auto insurance. The discount lasts for up to 3 years and when it expires, you can simply take the course...
State Farm Insurance is a chain of financial and insurance companies, which have operations in both United States and Canada. State Farm Mutual Automobile Insurance Company is the group’s major business. It is a mutual insurance company...
The Progressive Car Insurance Company is rated amongst the leading insurance companies in the United States. This company has over ten million policy holders. The company operates online through its websites, and there are also independent...
Liberty Mutual Insurance Company was started in the year 1912. Initially, the company was formed as an employees’ insurance association in Massachusetts. The first Liberty mutual branch, then MEIA, opened its doors in 1914, and this is the...
Government Employees Insurance Company, more commonly known as GEICO, is an insurance company for auto-mobiles. This subsidiary is wholly owned by Berkshire Hathaway, which (as of the year 2007) covered over thirteen million auto vehicles which...