As drivers new and old, there comes a time when we forget ourselves on the road, forget to follow the rules, and end up getting pulled over by the police. While most people feel like this is no big deal and can operate normally, there are some...
Category - Traffic Ticket Tips
If you have just been issued a traffic ticket, you’re probably experiencing a range of feelings. Although countless tickets are issued every day, you may understandably be upset and perhaps embarrassed at being pulled over and cited. This...
Have you received a traffic citation for a moving violation? This FAQ will help get you started on how to proceed. Remember that the advice is general and each city or county may have different laws or procedures. If you have a specific legal...
Imagine that you’re driving down your usual route back from work. It’s six in the evening on a Friday and traffic is unusually heavy, even for the typically chaotic Friday rush hour. Suddenly, you spot the reason for the localized...
Not that you should need a reason to not drink and drive, but consider this: according to, California has some of the strictest driving under the influence (DUI) penalties in the nation. First time DUI offenders can...
This traffic ticket advice is brought to you by a guy who won’t judge you, even though you’re technically a criminal if you got a ticket. I mean, do you know how many lives you put at risk?! Think about the… Oh wait. I said I...
In this list, I will explain the top 11 ways to get out of a traffic ticket. Who am I to have this super awesome knowledge? Well, cops surround my life. I have family members who are cops, I’ve been on numerous ride-alongs, and more...
Getting a Tennessee traffic ticket sucks, but the increased insurance rate is worse. Your best option is to take an online driving school course to get your ticket dismissed. Unfortunately, not all online traffic schools are created equal...
Almost every driver has their own way of avoiding tickets or thoughts about what they would do to beat a ticket if they were ever pulled over. While these might be fun to talk about, you should never rely on other drivers or the Internet to...
Getting pulled over sucks. If it hasn’t happened to you yet, it will. Quick story – A friend of mine recently got pulled over while I was in the car with her. She rolled a stop sign, the cop got behind her, activated the lights, and...
When you fight a traffic ticket, you need to be prepared for some stress and frustration. Dealing with the courts, especially traffic court, is no picnic. Contrary to what you may have heard elsewhere, there is no easy way to beat a traffic...
Fighting a traffic ticket is no easy task. Traffic courts are much different than many people realize and winning your case will take some planning. I’ll get into the different types of defenses you can use and hopefully, with this info...