Taking drivers ed classes online is becoming the preferred method of completing the “classroom” portion of driver training. As a certified driving instructor, I am all for it. I will never say that online drivers ed is better than classroom drivers ed for ALL students, but I think for most drivers ed students, doing it online is a much better way to go.
When students take drivers ed classes online, they are able to go through the course at their own pace. While taking drivers ed online does require some self-discipline, most students are more than motivated to get the coursework done. After all, the reward at the end is a big one!
But by being able to move through the course at their own pace, they generally are more alert and prepared for the coursework vs. being forced to sit through a class even if they aren’t feeling up to it.
Taking drivers ed classes online provides other benefits such as having multiple ways to learn the information. Most online drivers ed classes contain text, video, graphics, animations, interactive features, quizzes and tests, and students can always go back to review things they might have missed.
So, all in all, I’m a huge fan of online drivers ed classes. The biggest issue, however, is actually finding a good course to sign up for.
Want The FAST Answer? This Is My Top Rated Online Drivers Ed Class
Why High-Quality Drivers Ed Classes Are Tough To Find Online
Unfortunately, in recent years, most of the high-quality drivers ed classes you can take online have become low quality. Courses that were great just 5 years ago are pretty low quality now. So, what happened?
Well, the online drivers ed industry is in a bit of a flux right now. Back in the early 2000s, even before the iPhone was invented, a whole bunch of companies began creating these “new” online drivers ed classes.
These companies all basically started up at the same time. For a while, this was a great thing for consumers. The competition was strong and people had a whole bunch of newly created courses to choose from.
As you know, the internet changes quickly. Internet speeds increased, web browsers changed, and suddenly becoming “mobile-friendly” was an important thing. What ended up happening is these online drivers ed companies would “patch” the courses they had already made back in 2000.
They would figure out a way to include videos into their text-based course. They might slap in some animations here and there. Then they might create a version that works better on mobile devices, etc.
What we are left with today are a bunch of old, outdated, patched-up, buggy drivers ed classes online that all tout who their course is 20 years old. Who cares how old the course is if it stinks!?
The Top 3 Drivers Ed Classes Online
In order to help you decide on a high-quality drivers ed class, I thought I would share my own personal favorites.
I have assisted in the creation of various online driver training courses in the commercial driver training industry, and I have been working with online driver education companies since 2011, so I do have some special insights into which courses are best. Here they are…
Aceable is the newest online drivers ed course on the market. Normally, I would say to be cautious of the “new kid on the block”, but in this case, it actually works to their benefit.
Since their course was just created a couple years ago, they are the ONLY online drivers ed class that has a version for each specific device you might use.
You can change devices at any time as you go through the course, but the point is they don’t just have “mobile versions” of their online course.
These are true mobile apps designed for any device you might use. Aceable also has videos, animations, interactive features, and everything you’d expect from a newer course.
Heck, they are even toying around with virtual reality and augmented reality technology. Pretty cool stuff! The only real disadvantage is since they are new, they aren’t approved in every state yet.
You can click here to see if they are approved in your state. If they are, this is definitely the course I’d sign up for. As a driving instructor, it is what I would recommend to my own friends and family.
Get The Lowest Price On Aceable Here
As one of the original drivers ed classes online, DriversEd.com is one of the most established online driver training websites in the industry.
One of the huge benefits to using DriversEd.com is that they also operate their own fleet of behind-the-wheel training vehicles and instructors.
So if you’re looking for a way to get your drivers ed class done online as well as get your behind-the-wheel training done, DriversEd.com may be able to save you some money by signing up for their online and behind-the-wheel training bundle.
Since they’ve been around so long, they are also certified in many states and have many reviews online with an average star rating of 4 out of 5 on Yelp.
If you’re looking for a well established drivers ed class online that also offers behind-the-wheel training, this is a great option.
Get An Instant 5% Discount With This Coupon Link!
Improv Traffic School Online Drivers Ed Class
As a sucker for humor, I am a huge fan of the Improv drivers ed class online. I believe humor is a great way to teach and so do these guys.
They coined the term “edutainment” and believe since learning about traffic laws is a boring subject, they might as well try to have some fun with it.
In case you’re wondering, yes, Improv Traffic School is the same company that operates the improv comedy club chain.
A bunch of Hollywood comedians saw the potential in creating comedy based traffic schools back in the 90’s.
That was a big success in the old classroom days, so they created online versions of their comedy traffic schools, too.
Since that was also a hit, they decided to expand and began offering drivers ed classes online based around fun and humor.
While I admit some of their humor is a bit cheesy at times, I still find the entertaining aspect of their comedy based course to be a great aspect that sets them apart from the rest.
See If Improv Traffic School Is Available In Your State
Why Online Driver’s Ed is Better than In-Person Classes
Driver’s education has changed over the past couple of years, with the concept of online driver’s ed becoming a more popular option.
Now, there are several benefits to taking online driver’s ed classes.
The first thing that comes to mind will always be ease of access – a benefit that suits today’s busy lifestyle.
As the courses are 100% online, you can access the materials through your phone, tablet, or computer. It doesn’t matter where you are, you can be sitting comfortably at home, chilling out at a café, or traveling somewhere with your friends or family.
There’s no need to cancel your daily activities just to join a class. You get to decide on the most suitable time to complete your lessons.
It’s also noticeable that classroom-based programs can put a lot of pressure on the student to keep up with the progress of his or her classmates. This causes a problem for slow learners or those who are easily distracted by other people.
With an online class, you can control your progress – you can start and stop the lesson as you see fit. When you get bored, you can take a quick break. If you fail to completely understand the previous lesson, you can easily go back and play it again – no pressure!
What’s more, online courses are filled with interactive features that are designed to keep students interested. You can watch videos, play games, do puzzles and quizzes, and enjoy animations to make the learning more entertaining and collaborative. Courses such as those offered by Improv even have comedy skits that are fun to watch.