Maine Road Signs (A Complete Guide)

Maine Road Signs (A Complete Guide)

There are lots, and we mean LOTS, of road signs you’ll encounter on the Maine roadways. 

What do they all mean?

It’s important to know the answer to this question as:

  • It will help you ace the Maine permit test
  • It will help you avoid getting annoying tickets
  • It will help you be the safest driver you can be

This is why, here, we’re going to direct our focus on the Maine road signs. We’ll give you a complete guide on the traffic signals, traffic signs, and pavement markings in the state. Yes, we’ll even include pictures to give you a visual aid. 

So without further ado, let’s dive right in! 

Maine Traffic Signals

Let’s start simple. 

Whether you’re a driver or not, you probably know the meaning of the traffic signals, more commonly known as stop lights. 

But, since this is a complete guide, we won’t leave them out. 

Now, traffic signals are mostly found at intersections. It has green, yellow, and red lights. 

Maine Road Signs
Maine Road Signs

Here’s what the different signals mean:

Steady green light / green arrowYou are allowed to pass at the intersection, but always take caution
Steady yellow light / yellow arrowThe green light is about to end and the red light is about to turn on. If you’re approaching the intersection, slow down and stop. 
Steady red light / red arrowMake a full stop before the intersection. Wait for the green light to turn on before you enter the intersection. 
Flashing yellow lightThis is often found in construction areas. This means you can pass but do so with caution and be prepared to stop anytime. 
Flashing red lightMake a full stop and look both ways before entering the intersection.
Steady red “x”Do not drive in this lane
Steady yellow “x”Clear this lane because the red light will turn on soon
Flashing yellow “x”You can only use this lane if you’re turning left
Green arrowYou are allowed to use the lane it’s pointing to

Maine Traffic Signs 

Okay, let’s move on to traffic signs. 

This can get a bit confusing as there are several traffic signs, including:

  • Warning signs
  • Work zone signs
  • Regulatory signs
  • Guide signs

Let’s look at them one by one. 

Warning Signs

As the name suggests, warning signs tell of a hazard ahead or a place where you must be extra cautious (such as a school zone).

The general rule when you see a warning sign is to slow down and be alert to your surroundings. If there are pedestrians or bicyclists, always yield to them. Do not speed up

That said, here are the warning signs you’ll meet while driving on the Maine roadways. 

Maine Road Signs

Railroad Crossing Signs

Railroad crossing signs are still considered warning signs, but are specific to —- can you guess? — railroad crossings. 

Maine Road Signs
railroad crossing sign
railroad sign

If you see these signs, you should stop and listen if there is an approaching train. If there is a line separating the track and the road, stop behind the line. 

Sometimes, there are railroad tracks where there is no gate or flashing light that will tell you of an approaching train. If you are in these places, always check if it’s safe to cross before you pass the tracks. 

Work Zone Signs

You’ll know it’s a work zone sign if it’s colored orange and has a diamond or rectangular shape. 

rectangular signs

If you see one of these work zone signs, slow down and be extra cautious when passing. Be alert for barricades and detours. Never speed in a work zone – you will be fined. 

In some cases, there will be a flagger in the work zone. A flagger is a person wearing reflective gear and a warning sign telling you what to do. 

Maine Road Signs

You might also see barriers near the area to prevent cars and people from entering the work zone. Stay far away from these barricades. 

Maine Road Signs

Regulatory Signs

Again, the name is pretty self-explanatory — regulatory signs regulate traffic. 

These signs tell you what direction you’re allowed to go, which speed limit to follow, and whether to stop or yield. 

Now, to make it easy to spot regulatory signs, keep in mind that they can be either red, white, or black. Most of them are rectangular or square. 

Let’s look at the most common regulatory signs. 

Maine Road Signs
Name:Sample Sign:Meaning:
Speed Limit SignsSpeed limits tell you the maximum or minimum speed you’re allowed to drive. 
Stop SignThis is often found before an intersection or crosswalk. Always make a full stop by the area where this sign is. 

If you’re at an intersection, only proceed when the green traffic light is on or if it is safe to do so. 
Yield SignSlow down and yield to other cars, pedestrians, and bicyclists. Always follow the right-of-way. 
Shared Center Lane – Left Turn OnlyThe center lane is only allowed if you’re making a left turn. Do not pass in this lane. 
One Way SignThe traffic in the lane flows in the direction of the arrow. Do not enter the road if you’re coming from the opposite direction. 

If a traffic enforcer directs the traffic, follow what they say, even if it goes against the sign. 

Guide Signs

Guide signs guide you on nearby states, locations, and services. It can come in green, brown, or blue. 

Maine Road Signs Guide Signs

Route Number Signs

Route number signs can also be considered guide signs. 

These can vary in shape and color, but it always indicates the numbers of the interstate, US state, city, or county. 

22 state route
Maine Road Signs
Maine Road Signs

Maine Pavement Markings

Unlike traffic signals and signs, pavement markings are painted on the road. Let’s take a look at the different markings you’ll spot along the way. 

Marking Name:Sample Markings:Meaning:
Yellow Dashed LineIndicates a two-direction roadway. Passing in the opposite lane is allowed.
Yellow Dashed Line with Solid LineIndicates a two-direction roadway. However, passing is only allowed where the dashed line is located. The lane with the solid line cannot pass. 
Two Yellow Solid LinesIndicates a two-direction roadway. Passing is not allowed in both directions.
White Dotted LinesIndicates a one-direction roadway. Passing is allowed.
Stop LinesUsed to indicate crosswalks or intersections. If the light is red or there is a stop sign, always stay behind these lines. 
Shared Center Left Turn LaneThis lane can only be used if you are turning left. 
Always use a signal before turning and turn only if there is no other vehicle in the lane. 
Reversible LanesReversible lanes change lane directions during rush hours. The green arrow found on the traffic lights will tell you the direction the lane is being used for. 
A red x means that the lane is used for the opposite direction. 
A yellow x means to clear the lane as it is turning into a red x.


And that concludes your complete guide to the Maine road signs. 

Sure, it’s a lot. However, you’ll notice that the signs are pretty self-explanatory in and of themselves. 

And if you’re still having a hard time understanding them, make sure to look at the color and shape to get an idea of what kind of sign it is — whether it is warning you, regulating traffic, or whatnot. 

We hope that this guide will help you ace the permit test, avoid getting penalized, and make you a safe driver. 

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