Category - Safe Driving Tips

How To Parallel Park

How To Parallel Park

When you have to parallel park, do you get nervous? I don’t think my mother will even attempt it unless there’s a wide open space. Have you also noticed that parallel parking spots are always located in the most congested and...

Motorcycle Safety Tips

Motorcycle Safety Tips

It seems like every spring, people forget all about proper motorcycle safety tips. After the cold months, with little to no motorcycle traffic on our roadways, we tend to get complacent and forget about motorcyclists.  Driving a big rig, I see...

Maine Defensive Driving Courses

Maine Defensive Driving Courses

Maine defensive driving courses have found their way online. But unfortunately, most of them aren’t all that great. They are low budget and some of them aren’t even state certified. Luckily for you, my life basically consists of...

How To Drive Safe

How To Drive Safe

I recently received an email from a high school student doing a research project on whether we should increase the driving age or not. As we went back and forth in our email discussion, he sent me the following: “After looking at a lot...

Driving Safely In High Winds

Driving Safely In High Winds

No matter where you live or where you might be traveling, you could suddenly find yourself in a high wind scenario. Not knowing what to do when the wind blows hard can leave you incredibly vulnerable on the road, possibly leading to serious...