Many people regard North Carolina as a beautiful state to drive in, but it’s easy to miss out on the scenery when the flashing lights behind you indicate that a speeding ticket is imminent. Tickets and accidents are, unfortunately, things that wind up on many drivers’ records. For this reason and others, it’s important to access your North Carolina driving record from time to time to see what’s listed on your report and to verify that all the information is correct. Accessing your driving record is easy when you keep the following tips in mind.
Why Should You Access Your North Carolina Driving Record?
There are a few reasons why you should monitor your driving record. Your insurance provider and possibly even your employer access your record so it’s a good idea to know what’s on it. Your driving record impacts your insurance rates. If it contains errors, you’ll need to get them adjusted quickly so you can avoid undue penalties. Also, many drivers realize that monitoring their driving record allows them to make sure no one has stolen their identity.
Types of Driving Records in North Carolina
In North Carolina, drivers have access to three types of driving records: a certified true copy, a non-certified complete abstract copy, and a non-certified limited extract copy. The certified true copy ($11 fee) contains a complete history of your driving and is the report most often required by courts and legal proceedings. The non-certified complete extract ($8 fee) record provides a complete driving record and is typically accessed by insurers and employers. The non-certified limited extract copy ($8 fee) provides three years of a driver’s history.
What Information Does a North Carolina Driving Record Contain?
Your driving record naturally contains traffic-related incidents like tickets and accidents. It also lists alcohol-related incidents and any felonies the driver may have. Suspensions and license cancellations are also documented in the record. North Carolina driving records also contain personal information such as the driver’s legal name, date of birth, address, and driver’s license number. Points against your license (associated with each traffic violation) are also noted on your driving record.
Obtaining Your North Carolina Driving Record
In North Carolina, driving records can be ordered online, by mail, or in person.
To order your driving record by mail, you must complete form DL-DPPA-1 available here. Mail this form along with your fees. You can submit a check or money order made out to the North Carolina DMV. Mail your request to:
North Carolina Driver License Records
3113 Mail Service Center
Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-3113
If you wish to obtain your record in person, you will need to visit the DMV and fill out the form DL-DPPA-1 and pay the fee. When paying in person, you may pay with a check, money order, or cash. Credit cards are not accepted at the DMV.
To request your driving record online, you must visit the NC DMV online services page. Fill out the required information and be sure to note what type of driving record you wish to order. You will be asked to provide your driver’s license number, birth date, social security number, and a pin number that you establish when you register on the site. You can pay your fees for the online order by major credit card. It typically takes about ten days to receive your driving history.
Check Your North Carolina Driving Record for Accuracy
Once you obtain your driving record, make sure you check it carefully for errors. Mistakes can lead to bigger insurance premiums and can also affect your employment. Mistakes may also result in additional points against your license. If you incur too many points, your license may be suspended. While errors aren’t common, they do happen. If you spot an error, be sure to contact the DMV. You can report the error online or call them. You will be asked to provide as much information about the error as you can. Once the error is corrected, make sure to alert your insurance agent to make sure you aren’t being over-charged for insurance based on that mistake.
Many drivers routinely access their North Carolina driving records for their employers or court proceedings. However, all drivers should access their information to make sure they are aware of the points against their license and the items listed on their records that could impact their job and insurance rates. Checking your record will give you peace of mind once you see that all the information is correct and your identity has not been compromised. If you wish to access someone else’s driving history, you can contact the DMV. They allow this type of access under certain circumstances.
North Carolina Driving Record Points
For reference, here’s a brief overview of North Carolina DMV points to help you check for any inaccuracies in your driving record.
In North Carolina, DMV points and insurance points are tallied separately. This guide focuses on your North Carolina DMV points and how they affect your driver’s license, and therefore, your driving record. If you want to understand how insurance points are tallied, it’s best to reach out to your insurance provider.
NC DMV points or driver’s license points are assessed by the North Carolina DMV. They may suspend your driver’s license if you accumulate 12 or more DMV points within 3 years.
There are some circumstances though that may lead to automatic suspension of your license:
- If you accrue 8 or more driver’s license points within 3 years after license reinstatement
- If you are convicted of speeding:
- 15 mph over the speed limit ticketed at 55 mph.
- 75 mph over the speed set to less than 70 mph.
- 80 mph over the speed limit of 70 mph.
- If you are convicted of two or more charges within 12 months for speeding over 55 mph but no more than 80 mph or reckless driving.
Note that a North Carolina driver’s license first suspension is up to 60 days, up to 6 months for the second, and up to 1 year for a third and subsequent suspension.
When adding up your DMV points, the important thing to note is that DMV points are only assessed for the more severe traffic violation if you are charged with multiple traffic violations in the same occurrence.
To give you an idea, here’s a list of driving charges in NC and their corresponding DMV points:
Traffic Offense | Point Value |
Non-Moving Violations | 0 Points |
Littering from vehicle | 1 Point |
Speeding when limit is 55 mph or less | 2 Points |
All other Moving Violations | 2 Points |
Failure to Restrain Child in Restraint | 2 Points |
Speeding (10 mph or less over limit when speed limit is less than 55) | 2 Points |
Speeding (80 mph or greater when limit 70) | 3 Points |
Stop Sign/Stop Light Violation | 3 Points |
Speeding Through a Safety Zone | 3 Points |
Driving with no Operator’s License | 3 Points |
Failure to Yield Right of Way | 3 Points |
Failure to Stop for Siren | 3 Points |
Driving with no Liability Insurance | 3 Points |
At Fault Accident (property damage > $1,800, but < $3,000) | 3 Points |
Speeding (>10 mph over limit when speed limit is > 55, but < 76) | 3 Points |
Speeding when limit is 55 mph or greater | 3 Points |
Speeding in School Zone | 3 Points |
At-Fault Accidents (injury or property damage < $1,800) | 3 Points |
Reckless Driving | 4 Points |
Hit and Run (property damage) | 4 Points |
Illegal Passing | 4 Points |
Following Too Closely | 4 Points |
Driving on Wrong Side of Road | 4 Points |
Aggressive Driving (Class C License) | 5 Points |
Passing a Stopped School Bus | 5 Points |
Aggressive Driving (Comm. Lic.) | 6 Points |
Speeding (less than 10mph over limit when speed limit is 55 or greater) | See Below |
Manslaughter or Negligent Homicide | Suspended |
Pre-arranged Highway Racing | Suspended |
Hit and Run (injury/death) | Suspended |
DWI (.08 BAC or more) | Suspended |
Transporting Illegal Liquor for Sale | Suspended |
Highway Racing | Suspended |
Speeding to Elude Arrest | Suspended |
Driving While Revoked or Suspended | Suspended |
Speeding (75 mph or greater when limit < 70) | Suspended |
Driver Under 21 Driving after Consuming Alcohol/Drugs | Suspended |
At-Fault Accident (injury/death > $800, or property damage > $3,000) | Suspended |
Just went to the NCDMV in Taylorsville NC to get a copy of my 3-year DMV driving record. As the second person in line, I waited 20 minutes to be called and was told that I could NOT get that in person at the DMV and that I had to mail a request or fill out a request online to get one … and that it would take about 10 days to receive it in the mail.
Thank you NCDMV for being soooooo helpful. Sarcasm intended.
Good grief what a pain. Sorry you had so much trouble. Isn’t the DMV awesome?
Sarcasm intended. 😉