\Indiana driving school and Indiana drivers education classes can now be taken online from the comfort of your own home instead of in a boring classroom. Pretty sweet, huh? Taking your Indiana drivers ed course online is a much better option, not only because it’s cheaper online, but because it’s actually more effective than classroom-based driving schools. Online courses are much more interactive and retain interest a heck of a lot better than a teacher lecturing about the dangers of driving.
Choosing the best Indiana driving school
The main problem in choosing an Indiana driving school is finding which school has the best online drivers ed program. Most people have never heard of any of these companies offering online driver training classes. So how do you know who to choose and who to trust?
Well, that’s where I come in. Other than this website, I pretty much have no life. So I spent time going through several different Indiana drivers ed programs. What I found is most schools are very low budget and you don’t really get what you pay for. However, I can definitely make a couple of recommendations for schools that are definitely worth it and much better than classroom courses.
While you should certainly take a look around for yourself, I highly recommend you only use one of the two schools I list below. If you sign up for any other online Indiana drivers education program, you’re most likely signing up for a very low budget and low-quality course. The online driving schools below are very well put together.
My Indiana driving school recommendations
My top pick: DriversEd.com Indiana Teen Driver Course
Out of all the online drivers education courses available, I really like the The DriversEd.com Indiana teen drivers education program the most. It seems like they are the only online drivers ed program that caters to both students and parents. Most driving courses online cater to the students, but I think it’s important for parents to be involved. Not that this course requires parent involvement, but the resources are there just in case. No other school matches the parental resources offered here.
But this really is about the student. I was pretty impressed with how interactive the course was. Some of the videos and animations were a bit silly, but they got the point across and made things much easier to remember. The games and interactive quizzes made taking the final exam an easy task. Plus, everyone is guaranteed to pass! If only my high school Algebra class was like that!
Finally, their reputation is fantastic. If there was ever a “household name” Indiana driving school online, this would be it. They were the first ones to offer online driver education, so they’ve been around for more than a decade with something like 2-million graduates. That’s a lot of students! They also earn an A+ rating with the Better Business Bureau. So they are legit and they’ve been doing this for a long time now. Hands down, this is the best Indiana driving school offered on the internet.
So for all those reasons (and more) the Indiana DriversEd.com teen driver course gets my top pick as the best online drivers education program. Actually, they got my top pick by a very wide margin.
My second choice: TeenDrivingCourse.com
While I don’t think the course is quite as high quality as the iDriveSafely program, it is one of the best priced Indiana driving school online courses offered without skimping too much on quality. Plus, they have alternative “home study” options such as DVDs and workbooks if you don’t want to do it online.
Similar to iDriveSafely, they have existed for about 10 years and have an excellent reputation within the industry. More than 1-million people have already taken the course. So no issues there. My main beef with the course is they do skimp out on some of the videos and animations which are a bit low budget. However, the actual course information and training is top-notch which is what really matters. It’s definitely better than a boring lecture hall.
Overall, they are state certified and offer an excellent course. It is certainly better (and cheaper) than a traditional Indiana drivers ed program. Online is the way to go and this course offers the best priced Indiana driving school available while still maintaining a high level of education.
(Be sure to enter promo code MRD000A23 at the bottom of the sign up form!)
My Other Recommendations: DriverEdToGo.com and MyImprov.com
Choosing between the two recommendations above may not be enough for you, considering the number of available online driver’s ed providers out there. So although DriversEd’s Indiana Teen Driver Course and TeenDrivingCourse.com are my top recommendations, DriverEdToGo.com and MyImprov.com also offer high-quality online driver’s education courses.
DriverEdToGo has been around since the late 90s and has already served over 4 million students since then, making them one of the most reputable online driving schools today. What’s more is that their services don’t even cost that much, so it’s ideal for those trying to save some bucks.
DriverEdToGo even lowers their rates by $1 to match the lowest price offered by other online driving schools. Plus, you get a money-back guarantee (terms and conditions apply). This means that in the unlikely case that you find their course a bit lacking, you can request a refund.
Note though that their course is mostly text-based, so visual learners may not enjoy the course as much. However, they also offer an audio course option for those who would rather listen than read the course text.
Meanwhile, the course offered by MyImprov suits students who are looking for a fun and engaging option. These guys are in no way similar to your usual dry and boring course providers. Their “edutainment” style of teaching will ensure that you get humorous and exciting lessons that will keep you awake and interested throughout the course. You’ll even get 4 FREE tickets to Improv Comedy Club once you complete their course.
MyImprov’s courses are also affordable, so if you’re looking for a fun, online driver’s ed course that doesn’t cost that much, this is the one for you!