How to Prevent a Car Jacking

How to Prevent a Car Jacking

Unfortunately in today’s society, car- jackings are on the rise but you don’t have to feel helpless. Below are a few helpful hints to help you stay safe while in your vehicle. The first thing you should remember is that car-jackers come in...

Why Speeding Is A Good Idea

Why Speeding Is A Good Idea

The most facile argument against speeding is the teacher inspired “It’s not big and it’s not clever.” Well it is, because everything we have done as a species since we first left the trees has revolved around being better, faster and...

Is Leasing a Car Right for You

Is Leasing a Car Right for You?

Many ads play on television which tout how easy and inexpensive it is to lease a car. Ads always make leasing a vehicle seem very attractive to someone looking at new cars. But what are the pros and cons to leasing and does it make financial...