Arkansas Road Signs (A Complete Guide)

Arkansas Road Signs (A Complete Guide)

The last thing you want is to get in trouble for ignoring Arkansas road signs. However, the situation could be inevitable, especially if you’re a new driver. 

Luckily for you, we’re going to give you a complete guide on the Arkansas road signs. This way, you know exactly what each one means and can follow it. 

Remember, these road signs are there for YOUR safety. 

So without further ado, let’s look at the road signs in Arkansas.

Traffic Control Signals in Arkansas

Traffic control signals – more often referred to as “traffic lights” – have a pretty self-explanatory meaning. It controls traffic by signaling to drivers when to stop, slow down, or go. 

Let’s look at some traffic control signals in Arkansas. 

Lighted Traffic Lights

Arkansas Road Signs

Lighted traffic lights are what drivers often see on the road. 

It’s the reference to every grade-school song about driving rules. 

Arkansas Road Signs

Red lights tell the driver when to stop and it often comes after the yellow light.

Arkansas Road Signs Yellow light

Meanwhile, the yellow light signals the driver when to slow down. It gives drivers enough time to adjust their speed before stopping. 

Note: If you’re nearing an intersection or have already reached the stop line, and the yellow light comes on, rules prevent you from driving forward. You need to stop and wait for the lights to shift. 

Arkansas Road Signs green light

The green light signals the driver when it’s time to go and it comes on right after the red light. 

Note: If you’re at a green light and you see that cars from the opposing intersection are still in front of you, wait for them to clear out before driving forward. 

Lighted Arrows

Lighted arrows signal which direction vehicles are allowed to turn. There are 4 types used in Arkansas: 

red arrow

Red arrow lights that point left or right mean a driver can’t make a turn at the moment. You need to wait for the lights to shift to green before you can make the turn.

green arrow

Green arrow lights come on after red arrow lights. They tell the driver when it’s OK to move forward or to make a turn. 

If you see this light go on and you’re in the opposing lane, you need to stop your vehicle to avoid accidents.

Static yellow arrow lights signal the driver to slow down. It means a red light is about to come on and drivers need to slow their cars to a stop. 

Flashing yellow arrow lights mean a driver can turn in either direction, but only if the road is clear of opposing traffic and pedestrians. So make sure you check around before proceeding. 

Flashing Lights

Flashing lights is another type of traffic signal. 

These come in two colors in Arkansas: Red and Yellow.

Arkansas Road Signs flashing red light

Flashing red traffic lights signal drivers to do the same thing as a typical red light: to stop. 

When you see this traffic signal, you need to stop your car at the intersection’s stop line. Check your surroundings for ongoing traffic. Only when the coast is clear can you move forward. 

You’ll often see flashing lights where there are active train tracks intersecting with the main road. 

Arkansas Road Signs flashing yellow light

Flashing yellow lights also mean the same thing as their static counterparts – they signal drivers to slow down when nearing an intersection. 

The same as with what was stated above, you need to check the surroundings for any approaching vehicle. Once you’re sure that everything is safe, you may drive forward. 

“Right on the Red”

Arkansas Road Signs no right turn ahead

There’s really no way of mistaking this sign to mean anything else than what it says.

You can’t turn right on a red signal. If you want to turn right, you’ll have to wait for the lights to shift to green before you can make the turn. 

When can you turn right on a red?

Well, you can turn right any time on a red signal – as long as the roads are clear when you make the turn and there’s no obvious signage prohibiting you from turning. 

Drivers need to make a full stop and check the road for oncoming traffic before making a right at any intersection. 

One-Way Traffic Light

If you’re on a one-way street and you want to make a left turn on an opposing lane, you can do so with care and caution. 

one way traffic

However, if a traffic sign is posted prohibiting you from making the turn, you’ll have to take a different route. 

Traffic Control Signs in Arkansas

Now that you know the Arkansas traffic signals, let’s now look at the traffic signs. 

Traffic signs are static and are typically made of plastic or metal. They indicate travel directions, traffic rules, locations, hazards, and other services. 

Stop Sign

Arkansas Road Signs stop sign

These signs are often placed near pedestrian crossings and intersections. 

When drivers see a “Stop” sign, they need to come to a full stop to let pedestrians and other vehicles clear the road. You can drive forward once the coast is clear. 

Speed Limit Signs

Arkansas Road Signs speed limit

Speed limits are the minimum and maximum speed that a vehicle is allowed to drive on certain streets and highways. 

If you see a speed limit sign like the one above, you need to dial your speed down to meet the indicated number. Otherwise, you can get pulled over and fined. 

“Do Not Enter” Signs

“Do Not Enter” signs do exactly what they say they do – instruct drivers not to enter a certain road or area. 

Arkansas Road Signs

These signs are typically round in shape and have the words “Do Not Enter” and a white line running across printed on them. 

Other times, they may look like a hollow red circle with a diagonal red line running through it. 

Yield Signs

There are two variations of the “Yield” sign – one in yellow and one in red.


When you see this sign, it means you have to yield the right of way to intersecting traffic.

If you see a vehicle approaching an intersection with a yield sign, you need to let that vehicle pass through before driving forward. 

Fees for breaking this rule can cost you around $1,000 and suspend your license for 180 days.

“Slow Moving Vehicle” Signs

This sign looks like an orange triangle with red borders and it’s made of reflective material.

Arkansas Road Signs

It signals to the driver that other vehicles on the road might be traveling slower than the normal speed limit. Thus, they should keep their eyes peeled to avoid crashing into these vehicles. 

Service Signs

These signs are often square or rectangular in shape. It is also usually blue with white letters and borders. Service Signs tell a driver the types of services he can expect at the next exit. 

service signs

Service Signs will often feature the logos of different gasoline stations or rest stops.

Route Signs

There are three types of route signs: County, Highway, and Interstate signs. 

Arkansas Road Signs

County signs are often blue and have yellow characters and borders printed on them. 

interstate sign

Interstate signs are blue with a red top label, white borders, and white characters. 

40 sign

Meanwhile, highway signs are often white, have black borders, and have black characters written on them. 

All route signs tell you what roadway you’re taking to get to your destination. It’s good to keep an eye out for these things when you’re on a road trip. 

Destination Signs

Destination signs come in two colors: Green and Brown. They’re often rectangular and have white characters written on them. 

Arkansas Road Signs

These signs indicate the distance and direction of various destinations e.g., national parks, airports, state borders, historical sites, cities, etc.

Railroad Crossing Signs in Arkansas

Nobody wants to accidentally run into a train while driving. That’s exactly what railroad crossing signs are for. 

They help you spot railroad crossings so you don’t end up accidentally hitting a train.

Round Yellow Advance Warning Signs

These signs are round and yellow with a black “X” printed in the middle. A bold “R” is printed on either side of the “X”. 

round yellow warning sign

This sign signals drivers to slow down and check for any approaching trains. 

Pavement Markings

This sign is painted on the road and looks similar to the Advance Warning sign. The only difference is that it has a no-passing marking on either side of the “RXR” symbol. 

The sign means exactly the same thing as the Advance Warning sign. 

Cross Buck Sign

This sign looks like a white “X” with the words “Rail Road Crossing” printed on it. 

railroad crossing

It tells the driver to yield the right-of-way to approaching trains.

Gates and Lights

When you see gates and lights up ahead, and the lights are flashing red, it means that a train is approaching. 

Arkansas Road Signs

Don’t attempt to drive around the gate. Wait for the train to pass and for the barrier to lift before driving forward. 

Note: The number written in the middle indicates the number of tracks present. In the example above, there are 2 train tracks you need to be aware of. 

Emergency Notification Systems (ENS) at Highway-Rail Grade Crossings

Should you run into an emergency while on the road, you can refer to this sign for the right numbers to call. 

emergency sign

This sign is blue and often rectangular and has white characters written on it. 

“Exempt” Signs

These signs come in two colors: White and Yellow. 

road sign

Regardless of the color, they mean the same thing – that the crossing has been abandoned or its use has been discontinued.

Roadway Signs in Arkansas

There are several types of roadway signs in Arkansas.

Warning Signs

These signs have a diamond shape and are often colored yellow. Black letters and symbols are printed on their faces, indicating the following: 

warning signs

Warning signs provide drivers with information about possible hazards in an area. When you see a warning sign up ahead, slow down and check your surrounding before driving forward. 

Regulation Signs

These signs are often printed on a white square or triangle. They regulate the movement of traffic in a certain area. 

Black symbols are topped with a red circle with a diagonal slash in the middle to instruct drivers not to perform certain maneuvers. 

Here are some of the most common regulation signs:

Arkansas Road Signs arrow signs

Lane Control Signs

If you’re ever confused about which way you can turn on a road, look for one of these lane control signs: 

lane control signs

These signs show drivers where they can make a turn. They’re often shaped rectangularly and have arrows pointing in different directions. 

Passing Signs

These signs mark the start and end of different passing zones.

Arkansas Road Signs passing signs

It tells a driver when it’s safe to pass and when it’s prohibited. 

Pavement Markings in Arkansas

Pavement markings can be classified into different categories.

Fog Lines 

These are solid, white lines along the side of the road. It tells the driver where the edge of the road is located. 

fog lines

When driving in fog, you may stop outside these lines and wait for the mist to lift. This keeps you away from approaching traffic. 

White Lane Markings

White lane markings can be solid or broken. 

white lane markings

Broken white lines mean it’s OK for the driver to cross the line and change lanes.

Arkansas Road Signs solid white lane markings

On the other hand, if the white lane is solid, it means that a driver can’t change lanes whenever he pleases. 


Pedestrians use crosswalks to safely make it to the other side of the road. 


These signs are represented by white lines that resemble a ladder on the pavement. 

If a pedestrian is using the crosswalk, it is the driver’s responsibility to stop and wait until the pedestrian has cleared the road before driving forward. 

Stop Lines

These markings are often found near stop signs and stoplights. 

Arkansas Road Signs

They mark the area where a vehicle needs to make a full stop before moving forward. 

Yellow Lane Markings

Yellow lanes have 3 combinations that every driver should take note of.

Double yellow lines prohibited drivers on either side of the road to switch lanes anytime they want. 

The only time a driver can turn a double yellow line is to pull into a driveway.

Broken yellow center lines simply mean a driver may switch lanes so long as there is no opposing traffic. 

Meanwhile, broken yellow lines paired with solid yellow lines indicate that a driver can switch lanes, but only if they are on the side of the broken line. 

Shared Center Lane

In Arkansas, the Shared Center Lane is used by drivers to turn left while traveling in either direction. 

If you’re on an intersecting street, you can use the Shared Center Lane to shift lanes or merge into opposing traffic. 

However, keep in mind that using Shared Center Lanes as a means to accelerate driving is against the law. If caught, you may be fined and even get your license suspended. 

Construction/Maintenace Signs in Arkansas

It’s not uncommon for highways to face construction and maintenance work. To warn drivers of maintenance activities, diamond-shaped construction and maintenance signs are put up. 

road work ahead sign

They’re often colored orange and have black characters written on them. This warns drivers to be cautious when driving through an area under construction.

Note: Speeding fines are often doubled in zones under maintenance or construction. Watch out for these signs to avoid getting fined.

speeding sign

Work Zone Signs

Work Zone signs tell drivers that workers may be along the road. 

Thus, Work Zone Signs typically instruct drivers to reduce their speed, take a detour, or watch out for slow-moving construction equipment. 

Here are some of the most common signs you may see on the road: 

Arkansas Road Signs work zone signs

Work Zone Signs are diamond in shape and are orange-colored. Instructions are printed in black and feature different shapes and symbols.


And that completes our guide to Arkansas road signs. 

As you can see, road signs are pretty self-explanatory at times. However, there are some that can be quite confusing to understand. 

So make sure you go through all these road signs and familiarize yourself with them. 

And most importantly, remember to follow these road signs for you, your passengers, and everyone else’s safety. 

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