Tag - Radar detector

Cobra iRadar iRad 100 Radar Detector Review

Cobra iRad iRadar 100

There are few people who can genuinely say that they experience no emotions when they have an encounter with law enforcement. The sight of those flashing lights in your rearview mirror is bound to create a range of emotions for different people. While some individuals might feel anger, either at the cop for wasting their time or themselves for...

Should You Use A Radar Detector Or Laser Jammer?

Should You Use A Radar Detector Or Laser Jammer

Okay, it’s America, land of the free, home of the brave. We enjoy a lot of perks and privileges from living one of the freest countries in the world, with one of the most powerful economies. We’ve got it pretty good here, even though sometimes it’s easy to take that freedom for granted since it’s always there, every day. Sometimes, we...

Whistler XTR 580 Radar Detector Review

Whistler XTR 580 Radar Detector Review

It’s rarely a good thing to see flashing lights in your rearview mirror. Law enforcement may pull drivers over, out of caution, to inform them that a light on their automobile is burned out or to warn them about changing lanes without signaling first. However, law enforcement officers generally pull drivers over to issue them a citation for...

Radar Detector Reviews

Radar Detector Reviews

These radar detector reviews are designed to help you get the most enjoyment and protection out of your investment. If you are able to avoid just one or two traffic tickets throughout the life of your radar detector, it pays for itself. Plus, each and everyday you get to experience the enjoyment of advanced warning before passing a police officer...

Valentine One Radar Detector Review

Valentine One Radar Detector Review

We’re all guilty of speeding on occasion while behind the wheel of a car. Everyone is aware of the speed limit while driving, especially on the roads that are traversed on a daily basis. However, it is easy to slip past the speed limit while driving due to any number of distractions. Sometimes we speed because we simply lack the patience to...

Cobra XRS 9970G Radar Detector Review

Cobra XRS 9970G Radar Detector Review

I knew I had to write up a Cobra XRS 9970G radar detector review because it’s a GPS equipped radar detector priced at under $250. Now, right off the bat, I can tell you that this radar detector doesn’t even come close to what the Escort Passport 9500ix is capable of, but then again, the Cobra XRS 9970G is almost half the price and...