With over 214 million drivers on the road in the US of A, chances are that many, if not most of them, are driving while distracted. Some people drive and text, some talk on the phone, some eat, and, unfortunately, some even drive while intoxicated.
Even if you’re the safest driver on the planet you have to be prepared to deal with other, sometimes hazardous drivers, and knowing how to deal with them properly can have a huge impact on your safety, as well as the safety of others around you.
In this post we’ll be talking about some of the types of dangerous drivers out there, as well as the proper and safest way to deal with them.
Teens Caught Driving Distracted Before Crashing
Types Of Road Hazards
Let’s go over some of the main types of hazardous drivers you’ll find on the road…
Drunk Driving
While there are many things you can do as a driver to be considered hazardous, we’re going to start with what’s possibly the worst, and most dangerous thing you can do as a driver: driving under the influence of drugs and alcohol. Because drugs and alcohol impair your senses and dull your ability to react and cognitively drive, it is the number one cause of traffic accidents in the United States.
What You Can Do: Driving while under the influence is never a good decision. Instead, if you know you’ll be drinking or taking drugs – whether it’s a prescription or illegal substances – let someone know. If you’re going out, bring someone with you; and on that same point, have someone come stay with you if you’re staying at home, so they can take you somewhere if you need it. And, if you know you’re going somewhere later, your best option is to not drink at all before you leave.
Drowsy Driving
Another common cause of traffic accidents is driving while drowsy. We all lead busy lives, we all work some time or another, and at some point, we’ll all go about our daily commute when we’ve had very little sleep, and not a lot of energy to spare.
While we all like to think we can control it, that we will do something to keep us awake, we simply just don’t have that ability – at least not as well as we’d all like to think – and if we get too tired, our bodies will make us sleep to regain enough energy to continue going.
It’s something that we can’t help, and driving while drowsy increases the risk of falling asleep at the wheel, and injuring many in the process.
Dangers Of Drowsy Driving
What You Can Do: I understand that our jobs are our priority, and that many of us work multiple jobs to make ends meet.
However, you also have a little control over your schedule; instead of letting your employer(s) tell you when to work, let them know that you have other jobs, and tell them when you can work instead.
Many employers understand that sleep is important – especially if they want you to do a good job – and will work around another work schedule so that you don’t work yourself too hard.
Listen to your body, and learn to say when enough is enough, and get some sleep. Do not ever get behind the wheel if you’re still drowsy. Ever.
Speedy Driving
There’s a reason why interstates and race tracks aren’t interchangeable – it’s because speeding can lead to reckless driving, and reckless driving leads to accidents.
The speed you go directly effects the ability for your vehicle to stop, and the faster you go, the longer the time and distance for you to come to a complete stop will be.
Speed limits posted on roads and highways are calculated to provide the best and safest road conditions possible for all drivers, and one person ignoring that speed can get many killed in the process.
Speeding Driver Crashes
What You Can Do: The first thing you can do is the most obvious; obey the speed limits posted on the road.
If you’re speeding because you often find yourself late for work or other affairs, then practicing good time management can help you in this regard; getting up early enough to give yourself enough time to get ready to go will eliminate you leaving late, and giving yourself more than enough time to get to your destination will ensure that even traffic stops or red lights won’t make you late.
Distracted Driving
Texting, grooming yourself, eating. Fixing the radio, working a GPS system, yelling at the kids who are also yelling. Digging for things in your bag or purse, and day dreaming.
All of these things are classified as distracted driving, and all of these things take your attention off of the road, and increase your chance to be involved in an accident.
I don’t care how great a multitasker you are, when you’re in a vehicle that is on and moving, the only thing you should be focusing on is just that: Driving.
Video Of A Woman Putting On Makeup During Stop & Go Traffic
What You Can Do: The first and easiest thing you can do is to leave your phone in your bag, pocket, purse – even in the seat next to you. This will ensure you aren’t using it while driving, and any calls or texts that come in can wait for you to safely reach your destination, I promise you.
If you have children, then teaching them the importance of focusing on driving while driving is the best way to ensure they keep to themselves while driving unless it’s an emergency, and let them know that you will take care of them when you’re all safe.
I know that sometimes kids forget things in their journey to be carefree and rambunctious children, but they’ll never learn if you don’t try.
Aggressive Driving
You’ll easily determine aggressive driving behavior as soon as you see it. It’s highly unlikely that they will remain in the background, most of them will want to get the attention of everyone on the road. They can do it by overspeeding, or some may yell, or honk at you without a break. Some may flash their headlights and use inappropriate gestures. Worse, they bump or ram vehicles near them. Some even have weapons.
Other usual actions related to aggressive driving include tailgating and weaving in and out of traffic. They may pass on the shoulder and cut off traffic.
What You Can Do: If you ever notice aggressive behavior from drivers near you the best way to deal with them is to slow down, let them pass, and keep a safe distance.
As soon as you spot them, the best way to avoid any possible crash or any altercation is to slow down. You want to stay away from them as far as you can. If they’re ahead of you, slow down to distance yourself.
At times, you may notice them from behind through your side mirror. Do not try to get ahead of them, they may see this as a challenge and target you! Instead, slow down and let them pass. Whatever happens, don’t make eye contact. Meeting their gaze can also catch their attention and focus on you.
As soon as they pass, keep a safe distance. Calling the police will not be a bad idea. Just make sure you are well away from the action so as not to get caught in case a fight breaks out.